the next gigs-
...first live presentation in Austria March 15th, prokontra 6845 Hohenems (s´Beisl)
...for Germany we will present it at the Walldorf Rock´n´Roll Weekender (June 9th Seebühne)
...and in Switzerland June 14th at the home of the Royal Rockers in 7000-Chur
...more to come...
well, unfortunately, our show March 2nd (Bierhalle chur) is postponed until there is more soundproofing made (we are not that loud, are we?)...
buuuut, here´s a great gig April 26 (Friday) in Chur : Calanda Spring Festival, we will play at Tom´s Beer Box! Come out!
Live on stage doin´ some blues...from Freddie King to T-Bone Walker.
And don´t forget to subscribe to our youtube channel! thanks!
..and some Jr. Parker/Magic Sam stuff...
...more shows are added! take a look at the tour section....
***our album ROOTS´n´FRUITS is out on VINYL now! (July 2021) ***
Yes, a 180g heavy, 12" Longplayer. A real record!
...the first confirmed "live" shows in Switzerland and Austria at Return to Back, also international lineup! see flyers below:
...the next "online" Show at the Walldorf Rock´n´Roll Weekender with international lineup.
looky here:
***Update: our VINYL is here! ***
Hey ho! Together with our label PART Records we just started a project:
(there´s all details, including a video where we introduce this project)
You wanna support VINYL records? ...take a look!
We are trying to get our debut album ROOTS´n´FRUITS pressed on good ole´ VINYL.
Yes, a 180g heavy, 12" Longplayer. A real record!
You can support by pre-ordering, if we have enough pre-orders/support, it´s gonna be real!
Even just sharing helps!
Thanks in advance for your support by reading, watching, pre-ordering, sharing :-)
best, Martin, Alex, Bende
live video from our CD presentation (at the Rockabilly Bombardment festival in Austria) of the rock´n´roll songs from the album :-)
****new album OUT NOW****
****new video ONLINE NOW**** aaaand! full album coming 2019****
Ain’t no stoppin’ OUT NOW!